Summer Venture Participants. . .
Get: Two months of intense training and support.
Tap: Subject matter experts, investors, and highly engaged and collaborative peers.
Funding: Need-Based Stipends available.
Smile: Our teams get marketing exposure and public relations promotion.
Real Support: Our alumni consistently tell us that Western Massachusetts was the most welcoming environment they had ever worked in as entrepreneurs.
Authentic Relationship Building: You don't build a relationship overnight. The Collegiate Summer Venture Program carefully creates deep connections with your peers and opportunities for you to meet potential advisers, partners, and investors multiple times so relationships can grow.
Inclusion: VVM & UMass support diversity and inclusion in our community and in all of our programs. We are proud that startups of all industries, and founders of all stripes, thrive in all of our programs.
CSVP Partners:
The CSVP is an equal partnership between the Berthiaume Center for Entrepreneurship (UMass) and Valley Venture Mentors (VVM).
Graduation Top Tier Sponsor:
New this year we are thrilled to have two graduation prizes sponsored by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation.
What 2021 Accelerator Participants Said About The Program:
“Do all the work! It is all worth it in the end!”
“Every bit of this acceleration is worth the time and effort, and whatever you do during the program is for your own good. So do it with all your heart and might.”
“Aim high! This program provides ventures with so many resources that really push you to your highest potential. So make the most of it and set ambitious goals for yourself because even if you think you might not make them, this program pushes you forward and helps you get there. It’s much better to aim high and reach that goal or come very close to it than to aim too low and end up wishing you had done more.”
“Get ready to put in everything you have!”
“In all, take this opportunity seriously because there are not many out there like this!”
Email Hope Ross Gibaldi, VVM Executive Director & CSVP Program Director