WEEK 2: Customer Discovery!

Welcome to the second week of the Collegiate Summer Venture Program!

Core Concepts: Customer Discovery, Customer Relationship Management Tools, Mentorship,

Outcome: Clear description of your first customer, developed questions for customer interviews, scheduled customer interviews, meeting your mentors, understanding of CRM tools, and completed week 2 presentations.


Sprint Planners

  • Make a copy, rename and upload your Sprint Planner to this folder.

  • Every week, you will be expected to create a new slide in your Sprint Planner by 8:00 AM Monday morning.

Week 2 Presentation, due 6/6/2019, 8:00 AM

  • Make a copy of the attached template and update your presentation to the CSVP folder here.

  • We only use Google Presentation format. It’s free, simple, works on any browser, and removes IT headaches at bootcamps so we can focus on value-added activities. If you are new to Google Presentations go here to learn how to use Google Presentations.

  • The file name must be named {MyCompanyName}_Week2.

Customer Canvas




Use the Slack channel (#homework) for any other questions at any time. You can ping CSVP leadership directly at @Carly or @Dorota!