WEEK 2: Customer Discovery!
Welcome to the second week of the Collegiate Summer Venture Program!
Core Concepts: Customer Discovery, Customer Relationship Management Tools, Mentorship,
Outcome: Clear description of your first customer, developed questions for customer interviews, scheduled customer interviews, meeting your mentors, understanding of CRM tools, and completed week 2 presentations.
Sprint Planners
Make a copy, rename and upload your Sprint Planner to this folder.
Every week, you will be expected to create a new slide in your Sprint Planner by 8:00 AM Monday morning.
Week 2 Presentation, due 6/6/2019, 8:00 AM
Make a copy of the attached template and update your presentation to the CSVP folder here.
We only use Google Presentation format. It’s free, simple, works on any browser, and removes IT headaches at bootcamps so we can focus on value-added activities. If you are new to Google Presentations go here to learn how to use Google Presentations.
The file name must be named {MyCompanyName}_Week2.
Customer Canvas
Make a copy and review the Validate Your Customer Canvas. We will have printed copies for you to complete.
Start thinking about your first five questions and bring them on Tuesday.
Use the Slack channel (#homework) for any other questions at any time. You can ping CSVP leadership directly at @Carly or @Dorota!